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Estrella de Berisso vs Everton la Plata H2H Statistics & History Records

  • Estrella de Berisso
  • ARG TB


    ( )

  • Everton la Plata

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

Everton la Plata

Everton la Plata got 5 wins, 5 draws and 5 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 33%, while its Over rate is 70%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
ARG TB Everton la Plata 0:0 Atletico Pilar X
ARG TB Nautico Hacoaj 1:1 Everton la Plata X
ARG TB Everton la Plata 0:4 Deportivo Camioneros 2 O 2/2.5
ARG TB Estrella del Sur Alejandro Korn 4:0 Everton la Plata 2 O 2
ARG TB Ezeiza 1:3 Everton la Plata 1 O 2/2.5
ARG TB Deportivo Estudiantes 1:0 Everton la Plata 2 U 2/2.5
ARG TB Everton la Plata 2:0 Belgrano Zarate 1
ARG TB Social Atletico Television 1:2 Everton la Plata 1 O 2
ARG TB Everton la Plata 0:1 Deportivo Camioneros 2 U 2.5
ARG TB Deportivo Camioneros 2:1 Everton la Plata 2 O 1.5
ARG TB Everton la Plata 2:2 LEFU Lezama X O 2.5
ARG TB LEFU Lezama 0:3 Everton la Plata 1 O 2.5
ARG TB Progreso de Brandsen 0:0 Everton la Plata X U 2
ARG TB Everton la Plata 1:0 CSYD Veronica 1
ARG TB Everton la Plata 1:1 Progreso de Brandsen X
