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Poland U16 vs China U16 H2H Statistics & History Records

  • Poland U16


    ( )

  • China U16

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

Poland U16

Poland U16 got 11 wins, 0 draws and 4 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 73%, while its Over rate is %



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
INT FRL Romania U16 3:0 Poland U16 2
INT FRL Poland U16 4:0 Sweden U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 2:0 Sweden U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 1:5 Germany U16 2
INT FRL Poland U16 2:1 Germany U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 4:1 Faroe Islands U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 0:2 Switzerland U16 2
INT FRL Poland U16 2:1 Norway U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 3:1 Norway U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 1:2 Belgium U16 2
INT FRL Sweden U16 1:2 Poland U16 1
INT FRL Denmark U16 2:3 Poland U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 3:0 Northern Ireland U16 1
INT FRL Poland U16 5:0 South Africa U17 1
INT FRL Poland U16 2:0 Luxembourg U16 1


China U16

China U16 got 6 wins, 4 draws and 4 loses in the latest 14 matches with a win rate of 42%, while its Over rate is %



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
INT FRL China U16 4:4 Denmark U16 X
AFAYC Indonesia U16 0:0 China U16 X
AFAYC China U16 15:0 Northern Mariana Island U16 1
AFAYC China U16 6:0 Philippines U16 1
AFAYC Brunei Darussalam(U16) 0:7 China U16 1
INT FRL Russia U16 0:0 China U16 X
INT FRL Russia U16 2:1 China U16 2
INT FRL China U16 0:0 Tajikistan U16 X
INT FRL China U16 6:0 Tajikistan U16 1
INT FRL China U16 5:0 Myanmar U16 1
TM U16 China U16 0:3 Japan U16 2
TM U16 MexicoU16 4:0 China U16 2
TM U16 Cote D Ivoire U16 1:2 China U16 1
TM U16 Russia U16 3:1 China U16 2
