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Odra Bytom Odrzanski vs Lechia Zielona Gora H2H Statistics & History Records

  • Odra Bytom Odrzanski
  • Pol L3


    ( )

  • Lechia Zielona Gora

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

Lechia Zielona Gora

Lechia Zielona Gora got 3 wins, 4 draws and 8 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 20%, while its Over rate is 42%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 0:2 LKS Goczalkowice Zdroj 2
Pol L3 LZS Starowice Dolne 4:1 Lechia Zielona Gora 2
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 3:6 Unia Turza Slaska 2
Pol L3 Gawin Sleza Wroclaw 1:1 Lechia Zielona Gora X U 3
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 1:2 MKP Carina Gubin 2 O 2.5/3
Pol L3 Rekord Bielsko-Biala 1:2 Lechia Zielona Gora 1
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 2:1 Karkonosze Jelenia Gora 1
Pol L3 GKP Gorzow 2:0 Lechia Zielona Gora 2
INT CF Lechia Zielona Gora 6:2 MKP Carina Gubin 1
INT CF Lechia Zielona Gora 0:4 Polonia Warszawa 2
Pol L3 MKS Kluczbork 2:0 Lechia Zielona Gora 2 U 3
Pol L3 Rakow Czestochowa 2 2:2 Lechia Zielona Gora X O 2.5
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 1:1 GKS Pniowek Pawlowice Slaskie X U 3
Pol L3 Slask Wroclaw II 2:2 Lechia Zielona Gora X O 3/3.5
Pol L3 Lechia Zielona Gora 0:1 Gornik Polkowice 2 U 3
