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FK Buducnost Podgorica vs FK Sutjeska Niksic H2H Statistics & History Records

  • FK Buducnost Podgorica
  • MNE D1


    ( )

  • FK Sutjeska Niksic

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

FK Buducnost Podgorica(MNE D1)
FK Buducnost Podgorica is NO.2 in the MNE D1 with a comprehensive win rate of 48%
TOTAL 31 15 9 7 57 37 20 54 2 48%
HOME 15 9 4 2 32 16 16 31 1 60%
AWAY 16 6 5 5 25 21 4 23 2 38%
FK Sutjeska Niksic(MNE D1)
FK Sutjeska Niksic is NO.3 in the MNE D1 with a comprehensive win rate of 42%
TOTAL 31 13 13 5 41 27 14 52 3 42%
HOME 16 8 6 2 27 18 9 30 2 50%
AWAY 15 5 7 3 14 9 5 22 4 33%

Head to Head (Detailed H2H statistic and history records of the two teams)

  • Last 15: D W W D D W W W W W D D L W D Home WIn 53%, WPCT 62%, Overrate 55%

home and away


League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica X
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1 U 2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:2 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1 O 2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:2 FK Buducnost Podgorica X O 2.5
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1:1 FK Sutjeska Niksic X
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 0:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 4:2 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1
MNE CUP FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:2 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1
MNE CUP FK Buducnost Podgorica 3:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1 O 2/2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:2 FK Buducnost Podgorica X O 2/2.5
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 3:3 FK Sutjeska Niksic X O 2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:0 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2 U 2/2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 0:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1 U 1.5/2
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1:1 FK Sutjeska Niksic X U 2.5


Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

FK Buducnost Podgorica

FK Buducnost Podgorica got 5 wins, 3 draws and 7 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 33%, while its Over rate is 50%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MNE D1 Jezero Plav 3:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2
MNE CUP FK Buducnost Podgorica 4:1 FK Rudar Pljevlja 1
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 3:1 FK Rudar Pljevlja 1
MNE D1 Decic Tuzi 1:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica X U 2/2.5
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1:2 FK Mladost DG 2 Push 3
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2:0 OFK Petrovac 1
INT CF Besiktas JK 5:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2
MNE D1 Mornar 1:0 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2 U 2
MNE D1 Jedinstvo Bijelo Polje 1:2 FK Buducnost Podgorica 1 O 2.5/3
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 6:0 Arsenal Tivat 1 O 2.5
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica X
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 0:1 Jezero Plav 2 U 2.5
MNE D1 FK Rudar Pljevlja 3:0 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2 O 2.5
MNE D1 FK Buducnost Podgorica 2:2 Decic Tuzi X O 2.5
INT CF FK Buducnost Podgorica 1:2 Synot Slovacko 2


FK Sutjeska Niksic

FK Sutjeska Niksic got 9 wins, 4 draws and 2 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 60%, while its Over rate is 50%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 3:1 Jedinstvo Bijelo Polje 1
MNE D1 Arsenal Tivat 1:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:0 Mornar 1 Push 2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:1 Jezero Plav 1 O 2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:1 FK Rudar Pljevlja 1 O 2/2.5
MNE D1 Decic Tuzi 0:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic X U 2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2:1 FK Mladost DG 1 O 2.5/3
MNE D1 OFK Petrovac 1:2 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1 O 1.5/2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:1 FK Buducnost Podgorica X
MNE D1 Jedinstvo Bijelo Polje 0:1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1 U 1.5/2
MNE D1 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1:1 Arsenal Tivat X U 2/2.5
MNE D1 Mornar 1:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic 2 U 2/2.5
INT CF GOSK Gabela 2:5 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1
INT CF Zadar 0:0 FK Sutjeska Niksic X
INT CF FK Sutjeska Niksic 5:1 FK Mladost DG 1 O 2.5/3
