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Sao Bernardo vs Tombense H2H Statistics & History Records

  • Sao Bernardo
  • BRA D3


    ( )

  • Tombense

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

Sao Bernardo(BRA D3)
Sao Bernardo is NO.12 in the BRA D3 with a comprehensive win rate of 0%
TOTAL 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 12 0%
HOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0%
AWAY 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 0%
Tombense(BRA D3)
Tombense is NO.7 in the BRA D3 with a comprehensive win rate of 100%
TOTAL 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 7 100%
HOME 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 4 100%
AWAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0%

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

Sao Bernardo

Sao Bernardo got 7 wins, 4 draws and 4 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 46%, while its Over rate is 14%


BRA D3 Copa do Brasil BRA SP

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
BRA D3 Nautico (PE) 1:1 Sao Bernardo X
Copa do Brasil Sao Bernardo 0:2 Corinthians Paulista (SP) 2 U 2/2.5
BRA SP Mirassol 0:2 Sao Bernardo 1 U 2/2.5
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 2:0 Ah so Santa SP 1 Push 2
Copa do Brasil Olaria 0:1 Sao Bernardo 1 U 2/2.5
BRA SP Santos 2:1 Sao Bernardo 2 O 2/2.5
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 1:0 Santo Andre 1 U 2
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 0:1 Palmeiras 2 U 2/2.5
BRA SP Bragantino 1:1 Sao Bernardo X U 2/2.5
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 1:0 Portuguesa Desportos 1 U 2
BRA SP Ponte Preta 3:3 Sao Bernardo X O 2
BRA SP Inter de Limeira 2:0 Sao Bernardo 2 Push 2
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 1:0 Corinthians Paulista (SP) 1 U 2
BRA SP Guarani SP 0:0 Sao Bernardo X U 2
BRA SP Sao Bernardo 2:0 Ituano SP 1 Push 2



Tombense got 5 wins, 4 draws and 6 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 33%, while its Over rate is 38%


BRA D3 BRA MG Copa do Brasil BRA D2

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
BRA D3 Tombense 1:0 Sao Jose PoA RS 1
BRA MG Cruzeiro (MG) 3:1 Tombense 2 O 2.5
BRA MG Tombense 0:0 Cruzeiro (MG) X U 2/2.5
BRA MG Tombense 0:1 America MG 2 U 2/2.5
BRA MG Villa Nova-MG 0:3 Tombense 1 O 2/2.5
Copa do Brasil Anapolis FC 1:0 Tombense 2 U 2
BRA MG Tombense 4:0 CA Patrocinense 1 O 2.5
BRA MG Atletico Mineiro 1:1 Tombense X U 3
BRA MG Democrata 2:2 Tombense X O 2
BRA MG Tombense 1:0 Athletic Club MG 1 U 2/2.5
BRA MG Pouso Alegre 1:2 Tombense 1 O 2.5
BRA MG Tombense 2:2 Uberlandia MG X
BRA D2 Tombense 0:1 Mirassol 2 U 2.5
BRA D2 CRB AL 2:0 Tombense 2 U 2/2.5
BRA D2 Tombense 0:1 Ponte Preta 2 U 2/2.5
